Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Possible Voter Registration Fraud by GOP? Shocking!

From today's Los Angeles Times, GOP Halts Paid Voter-Drive Program:
The California Republican Party has suspended its fee-based voter registration program while prosecutors in San Bernardino and Orange counties investigate possible registration fraud connected to private firms hired by the party, GOP officials said.

The suspension came after election officials in the two counties discovered thousands of flawed registration forms and received complaints from residents who said they had been improperly registered as Republicans.
Well, if you can't trust private firms who get paid per registration form hired by the oh-so-pure, not-even-close-to-tainted-by-corruption-as-long-as-you-don't-look-at-DeLay/Cunningham/Frist/Ney-and-company Republicans, well, who can you trust?

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